Vietcong Definition

Noun (in the Vietnam War) the Communist-led guerrilla force and revolutionary army of South Vietnam; the armed forces of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. A member of these armed forces. (modifier) of or relating to the Vietcong or a Vietcong.

The Communist-led forces fighting the South Vietnamese government. The political wing was known as the National Liberation Front, and the military was called the People's Liberation Armed Forces. Both the and the were directed by the People's Revolutionary Party , the southern branch of the Vietnamese Communist Party, which received direction from through COSVN, which was located in III Corps on the Cambodian border. After 1968, as negotiations began in Paris, the NLF established the Revolutionary Government. (VIETNAM HISTORY) term coined by the authorities in South Vietnam to refer to the patriotic against the regime.

The term has been traced to the head of secret police, although at this time (1960) the insurgents were not always Communist. The correct term is 'National Liberation Front'. Magic duels xbox one cheats. Echoplex delay pedal. ' is used to mimic the term 'Com,' for 'Communist.' The Vietnamese language does not really allow speakers to pronounce 'Com.' The National Liberation Front was originally an association of many organizations, including religious organizations. The leader, Hua Tho, was not a Marxist at all.

However, the administration organized the physical extermination of all opposition, including peaceful opposition, so the result was that only underground guerrilla movements could actually engage in politics. Naturally, the survival of the NLF depended on its ability to fight the Saigon regime, which meant rural insurgency, which meant gradual integration into the command structure. The NLF grew quite strong; by 1968, it was able to carry out crucial operations in the. Unfortunately, it was almost eradicated by the US military in the offensive, and had to be recreated.