Dungeons And Dragons Classes

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition Five standard base classes and five subclasses were offered in the Player's Handbook, with an optional 6th base class, the Bard, presented in an appendix. Additionally, various alternative base classes, subclasses and rule changes were offered in the magazine Dragon and elsewhere, such as the Mystic and the Witch.

DDO allows players to combine up to three of any available classes, although this is considered a more advanced way to build a character. For multiclass characters, Hit Points, Base Attack Bonus and Saving Throws of each different class are added. For example, a rogue/fighter who is level 10 (with five levels of each class) receives a Hit Point total that's equal to both a level 5 rogue and a fighter added together.


Combining magic with weapon technology and skill, artificers can attack their enemies in multiple ways, summon pets for support, and can also spot and disable traps.

Solo Ability: Good.

Important stats:

Intelligence is the most important stat for artificers. High intelligence makes an artificer's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and gives him or her more spell points.

Constitution is important for artificers who want to increase their hit points. Some artificers may focus more on melee weapons, and for them strength is important.

Notable abilities: Inscribe Spell, Unleash Iron Defender.

Artificers use a mix of arcane magic and technology to augment items and blast foes. Wielding rapid-fire crossbows and magical 'rune arms', they have a fighting style unlike any other class.

Having less spell points than wizards and sorcerers, artificers must rely on their weapons more in battle. To achieve this, they learn how to use multiple types of crossbow and special rune arms, magic items that can charge up and shoot enemies with elemental bolts of energy.

They also have pets to aid them in battle that advance and grow with them and can be fitted with special equipment to improve their abilities.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D6
Base Skill Points Each Level: 4
Caster Type: Arcane
Spell Casting: Intelligence determines how powerful a spell a Artificer[v] can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Mastermaker, Arcane Marksman[v], Runic Champion, Arcane Marksman[v], Mastermaker, Runic Champion
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Artificer


Using spells, skills, and powerful magical songs, Bards are the ultimate support characters, simultaneously strengthening friends and weakening foes.

Solo Ability: Challenging.

Important stats:

Charisma is the most important stat for bards. High charisma makes a bard's songs and spells more powerful and more difficult for enemies to resist and also gives him or her more spell points.

Notable abilities: Fascinate, Inspire Courage.

Playing songs is the bard's most impressive ability. With songs bards can give a boost to their allies abilities or subdue foes. The Fascinate song can mesmerize and immobilize enemies better than any other class's spells or abilities.

Bards also have mastery of many different kinds of spells. They can heal allies or attack and manipulate foes and have more spell points than any of the other melee or specialist classes.

With this special blend of abilities, bards can make any party more effective, regardless of composition.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D6
Base Skill Points Each Level: 6
Caster Type: Arcane
Spell Casting: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a Bard can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Spellsinger, Virtuoso of the Sword, War Chanter, Virtuoso of the Sword, Virtuoso of the Sword, Spellsinger, War Chanter
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Bard


Barbarians possess incredible strength and offensive power. They are not as well armored as fighters, but they can absorb damage and go into a battle rage to overwhelm their enemies.

Solo Ability: Good.

Important stats:

Strength is the most important stat for barbarians. High strength boosts a barbarian's ability to hit enemies and increases the damage dealt with each attack.

Constitution is good for barbarians who want more hit points, and dexterity is good for barbarians who want increased defense.

Notable ability: Rage.

Barbarians are the beasts of the battlefield. Often using huge two-handed weapons or two weapons at once, they can deal immense amounts of melee damage.

By tapping into the raw fury of nature, barbarians can enter a battle rage that boosts their fighting ability to extreme levels, but they need to recover afterwards.

Barbarians also have the ability to shrug off or absorb some incoming physical attacks without taking damage. This is called damage reduction (DR) and can help make up for their lack of heavy armor.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D12
Base Skill Points Each Level: 4
Path(s): Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon, Bastion of the Outlands, Bastion of the Outlands, Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon, Bastion of the Outlands, Savage of the Wild, Storm of Kargon
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Barbarian


Divine spell casters and healers, Clerics have a broad range of spells at their command. They excel at curing ailments and healing allies but also have the ability to blast enemies with their divine power.

Solo Ability: Very Good.

Important stats:

Wisdom is the most important stat for clerics. High wisdom makes a cleric's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and gives him or her more spell points.

Charisma is important for clerics who want to be able to use divine abilities like turning more often.

Notable abilities: Turn Undead.

Clerics use divine magic and gain all of their spells as they level up. They don't have to inscribe new spells like wizards or pick a subset like favored souls. Clerics also have a special ability called Turning. They can use this to attack undead or assist allies.

Unlike wizards and sorcerers, clerics have powerful healing spells and can wear armor and use shields, granting them better protection than other casters.

When clerics are at taverns or rest shrines, they can switch to different spells to better address the challenges of their current quest. Favored souls and sorcerers cannot do this.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D8
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Caster Type: Divine
Spell Casting: Wisdom determines how powerful a spell a Cleric can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Warpriest of Siberys, The Font of Healing, Scourge of the Undead
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Cleric, Past Life: Initiate of the Faith


Druids, versatile masters of nature, have many powerful shapes of wild magic. They cast spells of aid and offense, made from earth, fire, wind, and water. They shape shift into creatures like wolves, bears, and elementals of pure fire or water. And they command wolf companions, who tear and gnash at a druid's enemies.

Whether a druid fights with the smack of a staff or burn of faerie fire, their combination of nature magic and wolf ally make them deadly foes in combat. A druid's nature magic is temporarily lost should they wear metal armor. Druids are a great solo class.

Solo Ability: Good

Important stats:

Wisdom is the most important stat for druids. High wisdom makes a druid's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and also gives him or her more spell points.

Notable abilities: Wild Shape

Druids use divine magic and gain all of their spells as they level up. Druids also have the ability to change form into animals and other natural creatures. Unlike wizards and sorcerers, druids have access to healing spells, but cannot heal as much as clerics and favored souls.

Druids also have pets to aid them in battle that advance and grow with them.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D8
Base Skill Points Each Level: 4
Caster Type: Divine
Spell Casting: Wisdom determines how many spell points they get.
Path(s): Nature's Warrior, Aspirant Adept, Verdant Seeker
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Druid, Past Life: Harbinger of Nature's Wrath

Favored Soul

Wielding divine magic to both heal and destroy, favored souls have fewer spells than clerics but can cast more often.Screamride video.

Solo Ability: Good.

Important stats:

Charisma is the most important stat for favored souls. High charisma grants a favored soul access to higher level spells and gives him or her more spell points.

Wisdom is also important for favored souls, especially those who want to use offensive spells, because wisdom determines how difficult a favored soul's spells are for enemies to resist.

Typical abilities: Empower Spell, Leap of Faith.

With their innate connection to the divine, favored souls can cast divine spells without needing time for study and prayer like clerics, but they can only perform a fixed number of spells in this way.

Like clerics, favored souls have access to powerful healing spells. Favored souls and sorcerers get more spell points than any of the other classes. They also gain more bonus spell points from special magic items. As a result, they can cast more often.

Favored souls cannot switch spells at taverns or rest shrines. They are able to switch spells but to do so they must undergo a special ritual that can only be done once every few days.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D8
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Caster Type: Divine
Spell Casting: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a Favored Soul can cast and how many spells they can cast. Wisdom determines how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Angel of Vengeance, Beacon of Hope, Divine Avenger, Beacon of Hope, Angel of Vengeance, Divine Avenger
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Favored Soul


Fighters can use a large variety of weapons, all types of shields, and the heaviest armor. They can also train in many more combat abilities than the other melee classes.

Solo Ability: Good.

Important stats:

Strength is the most important stat for fighters. High strength boosts a fighter's ability to hit enemies and increases the damage dealt with each attack.

Constitution is also good for fighters who want more hit points.

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Notable abilities: Sunder, Tower Shield Proficiency.

Fighters get more feats than any other class, and as a result they have a lot of attack options in battle. They can knock an enemy off his feet or damage multiple enemies at once with a great cleave.

Fighters are also able to use more weapons, armor, and shields than any other class. They often focus their training on a specific set of gear and become masters of their own custom fighting styles. A fighter can succeed in battle in many different ways.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D10
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Path(s): Stalwart Soldier, Vanguard Warrior, Whirlwind Fighter, Stalwart Soldier, Whirlwind Fighter, Stalwart Soldier, Whirlwind Fighter, Vanguard Warrior
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Fighter


Monks use an energy called ki to perform amazing techniques in battle. Usually fighting without weapons and armor, they can assist allies or destroy enemies but take longer to master than the other melee classes.

Solo Ability: Very Good.

Important stats:

Strength and Wisdom are the most important stats for monks. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high wisdom boosts a monk's defenses and amplifies many special attacks.

Dexterity is important for monks who want to further improve defense and reflexes.

Typical abilities: Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows.

Monks can study different philisophical paths to allow them to use a number of special moves in battle.

Through intense physical training and mental discipline, monks gain the ability to generate and control ki. They use this vital energy to launch powerful combination attacks and project amazing beneficial effects.

In order to use their special abilities, monks must be in a state of physical and mental balance called being centered. To remain centered, a monk cannot wear armor and must fight unarmed or with special monk weapons like staffs and kamas.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D8
Base Skill Points Each Level: 4
Path(s): The Path of Shadow, Two-headed Heron, The Path of Light, Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, Henshin Mystic, Henshin Mystic, Ninja Spy, Shintao Monk
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Monk


Paladins are supremely resilient and have a good balance of offense and defense. They protect and support allies better than the other melee classes, provide some healing, and wield the power of good as a mighty weapon.

Solo Ability: Very Good.

Important stats:

Strength and Charisma are the most important stats for paladins. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high charisma makes many of a paladin's special abilities more powerful.

A moderate level of wisdom is also needed for a paladin to cast spells.

Notable abilities: Smite Evil, Lay on Hands.

Through their devotion and purity, paladins gain many special abilities. They can deal extra damage to evil creatures, can boost their own saves, and can use Lay on Hands to send powerful healing energy to allies.

At level 4, paladins get their first helpful spells which they can use to aid themselves or their party.

Paladins also get immunities to harmful effects like disease and fear, and radiate powerful protective auras that help defend all nearby allies.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D10
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Caster Type: Divine
Spell Casting: Wisdom determines how powerful a spell a Paladin can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): The Mighty Protector, The Flame of Justice, The Truthbringer, The Mighty Protector, The Flame of Justice, The Mighty Protector, The Truthbringer, The Flame of Justice
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Paladin


Rangers are extremely versatile combatants. They can act as scouts, can wield two weapons at once, and are lethal with a bow.

Solo Ability: Good.

Important stats:

Strength and Dexterity are the most important stats for rangers. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high dexterity boosts a ranger's defense and ability to hit enemies with a bow.

A moderate level of wisdom is also needed for a ranger to cast spells.

Notable abilities: Favored Enemy, Two Weapon Fighting.

Rangers switch between bow and melee combat, shooting until the enemy closes to melee range, then switching weapons. They are the best class at two-weapon fighting, using a weapon in each hand. In addition, they can make very good scouts, sneaking ahead of the party and gathering information on enemies.

Rangers are also incredibly skilled with the bow. They can eventually learn remarkable techniques like shooting through groups of enemies with a single arrow or firing multiple arrows simultaneously.

Rangers can also cast several useful spells and begin to learn these at level 4.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D8
Base Skill Points Each Level: 6
Caster Type: Divine
Spell Casting: Wisdom determines how powerful a spell a Ranger can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Deepwood Sniper, Tempest, Arcane Archer, Arcane Archer, Deepwood Sniper, Tempest, Deepwood Sniper
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Ranger


Rogues use stealth and a variety of masterful techniques to disarm traps, unlock doors, and take down enemies with devastating sneak attacks.

Solo Ability: Challenging.

Important stats:

Dexterity is the most important stat for rogues. High dexterity boosts a rogue's defense and reflexes and improves key rogue skills like sneaking and trap disarming.

Strength is important for rogues who want to increase attack power, and intelligence is important for rogues who want to maximize their skills.

Notable abilities: Disable Device, Open Lock.

Stealthy and sly, rogues pride themselves on their skill. They are among the best at finding secret doors and traps and are the only class that can disarm traps. They can also pick locks to gain access to special areas and treasure chests.

Rogues also have a powerful ability called the sneak attack. With proper skill and strategy, they can use this to devastating effect.

Rogues make great scouts and are easily able to blend with the shadows and go undetected. Combining stealth with sneak attacking can be a powerful combination.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D6
Base Skill Points Each Level: 8
Path(s): Master Mechanic, The Dark Blade, Thief Acrobat, The Dark Blade, Thief Acrobat, The Dark Blade, Master Mechanic, Thief Acrobat
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Rogue


Sorcerers are born with the ability to use powerful magic. They have fewer spells than wizards but can cast much faster and more often.

Solo Ability: Challenging.

Important stats:

Charisma is the most important stat for sorcerers. High charisma makes a sorcerer's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and also gives him or her more spell points.

Constitution is important for sorcerers who want to increase their hit points, and dexterity is important for increasing defense.

Typical abilities: Empower Spell, Maximize Spell.

Sorcerers can innately cast arcane spells without needing academic training like wizards. They can only perform a fixed number of spells in this way, but they can cast them much faster and can do more damage over time.

Sorcerers, along with Favored Souls, get more spell points than any of the other classes. They also gain more bonus spell points from special magic items. As a result, they can cast more often.

Sorcerers cannot switch spells at taverns or rest shrines. They are able to switch spells but to do so they must undergo a special ritual that can only be done once every few days.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D4
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Caster Type: Arcane
Spell Casting: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a Sorcerer can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Arcane Cannon, The Dynamic Hand, The Voice of Power, Arcane Cannon, Arcane Cannon, The Voice of Power, The Dynamic Hand, The Voice of Power, The Dynamic Hand
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Sorcerer


Wizards can learn a huge variety of spells and can fine tune their spell list to the task. They can assist the party, summon allies, or destroy opponents with the power of the elements.

Solo Ability: Challenging.

Important stats:

Intelligence is the most important stat for wizards. High intelligence makes a wizard's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and gives him or her more spell points.

Constitution is important for wizards who want to increase their hit points, and dexterity is important for increasing defense.

Notable abilities: Inscribe Spell.

Wizards are the only class that can learn all of the arcane spells. This eventually gives them many spell options when preparing to go on a quest.

Unlike the other classes, wizards get bonus metamagic feats. These feats give them more ways to manipulate the power and duration of their spells.

At taverns and rest shrines, wizards can switch to different spells. This allows them to choose the right spell for the situation. Sorcerers and favored souls cannot do this.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D4
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Caster Type: Arcane
Spell Casting: Intelligence determines how powerful a spell a Wizard can cast, how many spells they can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist.
Path(s): Necromancer, The Ingenious Sage, Elementalist, The Ingenious Sage, Necromancer, Elementalist, The Ingenious Sage, Necromancer, Elementalist
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Wizard


Warlocks make pacts with otherworldly beings to gain power and might. This relationship between warlock and patron is somewhat like that of a cleric and deity, but beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are not gods.

Solo Ability: Good

Important stats:

Charisma is the most important stat for Warlocks. High Charisma makes Eldritch Blast and spells more difficult for enemies to resist, and also gives more spell points.

Constitution is important for Warlocks who want to increase their hit points.

Intelligence is important for increasing skills.

Notable abilities: Eldritch Blast

Warlocks summon powerful energies, attacking with Eldritch Blast. They cast spells through their connection with their patron. They can only perform a small number of spells in this way, but that is supported by their ability to endlessly inflict magical damage with their Eldritch Blasts.

Warlocks cannot easily switch spells at taverns or rest shrines, but can undergo a special ritual once every few days with the help of a Warlock trainer.

Basic Information

Hit Die: D6
Base Skill Points Each Level: 2
Path(s): Eldritch Blaster
True Reincarnation Feat(s): Past Life: Warlock

.Dungeons & Dragons has announced that it is not moving forward with plans for a Mystic class. Earlier this month, Dungeons & Dragons released revised rules for several psionic subclasses and abilities for public playtesting. These revised classes added a new Psionic Dice mechanic and introduced new feats that allowed players to add psionic abilities to any character. In the playtest material, Wizards of the Coast also announced that they were formally scrapping plans for a Mystic class, which they first tested out back in 2017. The mystic allowed players to create a character that echoed the abilities of other classes, but with psionic enhancements.The Dungeons & Dragons team explained that feedback about the mystic class stated that the classed on other classes' territory and that many felt it was either too complex, too powerful, or both. As such, the development team decided to move away from a dedicated psionic class and move on to other options, such as the three subclasses and multiple feats introduced during the most recent release of playtest material. Psionics have had a complicated history in Dungeons & Dragons that dates back to the earliest days of the game.

Although psionic abilities were introduced in the same early D&D supplement that introduced mind flayers, Demogorgon, and the druid class, they have never really been considered part of the core gameplay of the game. Although optional psionic rules were introduced in the first Player's Handbook, they didn't have a dedicated class - the psionist - until the release of the Complete Psionics Handbook for Second Edition. Several additional classes and subclasses were later introduced in subsequent versions of the game, giving players tons of different options.

While psionic abilities are most associated with Dark Sun, they've appeared in just about every campaign setting and aren't necessarily affiliated with one particular world or style of campaign.While some players will likely be disappointed that Dungeons & Dragons is moving away from the Mystic class, it seems clear that the game is looking to add some dedicated psionics options for players. Given that D&D is testing out a ton of different player options currently, it seems likely that we'll get some sort of major expansion to the game in the coming months.