Star Wars Force Collection Card Values

Apr 19, 2020  IGuide?is proud to host the online Star Wars Collectibles Price Guide.The price guide is maintained by Jon R. Warren, whose price guide books have been the authority on collectibles values.

Star Wars: Force Collection cards.Explore the Star Wars galaxy and fight for your side of the Force this free-to-play card battle game. Players will take command of more than 230 heroes, villains, and vehicles from Star Wars Episodes I-VI and embark on a series of galaxy-spanning quests in the process. Cross the Star Wars universe completing quests, fighting battles, and collecting powerful cards and upgrades. As players progress, they will level up their cards and combat skills, while their actions determine whether they join and fight on the light or dark side of the Force. A Galaxy Battle Ranking will highlight the best players in the world, while global player events pit the light and dark sides against one another, leading to greater rewards for the dominating Force.

Hi, I'm AlexHavoc98 and I'm a Moderator here on Appinvasion. As most of you know Xesh has left Appinvasion. I will be taking over this ranking thread and will update it as much as possible. Always open to any feedback. Post here or PM me. The ranking thread will stay here and I will just update the thread.Thank you,AlexHavoc98(Moderator)Thread has been updated!This tier-based ranking system was made to help you determine what cards are best to use in your formation, what cards have most potential, and what cards should be valued higher in trades. It should therefore be considered a 'formation effectiveness' ranking.This is, however, not a trade value ranking that reflects current market values.​ Important: card art is not considered when deciding a card's value.Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

These rankings are based on my opinion (and those of others) and should not be considered truth or absolute final values. These rankings can and will change when new cards, skills and game mechanics are introduced that will affect a card's effectiveness in battle.Finally, if you completely disagree with this ranking thread, I'm sure there are other rankings out there that you can use instead.Comments are welcome; I'd love to hear opinions on why a card should be ranked higher or lower.Cards are sorted by Short/Medium and Light/Dark but in random order: the first card listed in a tier isn't better than the last card mentioned in the same tier. Atk: 13,050 (+) Def: 13,093 Total stats: 26,143 (higher when skill procs) Skill: Self ATK Up Med Cost: 32Good stats, but more importantly: a good skill. This is the first card with the self ATK up MEDIUM skill. That means that his skill will (presumably) go off as often as Vader CC or Obi JM's blaster reflection skill. I dare say this makes Mace the new best card in the game.

Although already fairly effective without skill, when his skill goes off, he'll destroy the card in front of him in two or three if not one turn(s), effectively taking down the entire column in front of him in the next few turns. Problem is once again the high CAP cost, but hey. It's worth it.Darth Vader Cloud City.

Atk: 13,195 Def: 13,107 Total stats: 26,302 Skill: Blaster Reflection Med Cost: 32This card has no weaknesses, and multiple strengths. Blaster reflection is very good for two reasons: for one, it makes for a better defender. In terms of defending, BR is better than eva, because the attack isn't just avoided, but in fact reflected back to the attacker!

This makes a card with BR not only a better defender, but also a good attacker. That, and Vader's very high attack, makes him good for both attacking or defending.Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master.

Atk: 10,294 Def: 14,978 Total stats: 25,272 ( +10 EVA) Skill: Blaster Reflection Med Cost: 31Unlike Vader, Obi-Wan is not very good at attacking. However, this is more than compensated for by his high defense. Although it's lower than Yoda Exile's, the fact that he reflects blaster attacks makes him arguably a better tank than Yoda. Works great as a hold-the-line card with a high attack medium in the back.Supreme Chancellor Palpatine & Queen Amidala. Stats: irrelevant Skill: 3-Unit Dark/Light Side All Stats Up Med Cost: 26 and 25Stats are irrelevant because like healers, these are shorts that don't belong on the frontline. Their skill adds 15% of all stats (atk, def, acc and eva) to 3 cards in front of them.

You can have a skill card that boosts one stat of multiple cards with 20%, or you can use Palp or Ami to increase all 4 stats by 15%. These cards are needed to compete at a high level. The only downside is that they have to replace a healer or medium range attacker, but it's worth it.​Tier 2 (high tier) very good cards; essential ingredients for a good formationS: General Grievous, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious - Anakin Skywalker The Chosen One, Master Yoda Exile on DagobahM: Boba Fett - Han Solo, Lando Calrissian. General Grievous. Atk: 12,876 Def: 10,193 Total stats: 23069 (or: 35945) ( + 45 EVA) 2 attacks per turn Cost: 20Grievous' high evasion is not there to make him a good defender, but to compensate for his lower defense. He doesn't have the highest attack, but he does attack twice per turn, so the cards that he can't damage will have their defense reduced twice per turn. In terms of defense reduction, Grievous is better at it then Aurra (who also attacks twice per turn), not just because he has a higher attack (the higher the attack, the more def is reduced per hit) but also because of the attack pattern: mediums attack 3 short range cards, shorts only attack the card in front of them, so Grievous can really bring Obi JM's or Yoda X's defense down in no-time.

Grievous is a true nightmare for lightsiders who don't have Chewbacca or Lando.Darth Vader. Atk: 13,179 Def: 13,050 Total stats: 26,229 Cost: 20 & Anakin Skywalker The Chosen One Atk: 13,340 Def: 13,412 Total stats: 26,752 Cost: 21Vader is not in this tier because he is as good as Anakin TCO, but because he's the only real darkside equivalent of TCO. Both his atk and def are worse than TCO's, as well as Vader CC's. However, due to the high CAP, you can't have a frontline full of CC's, so Vader is there to fill the remaining frontline spots.Anakin is an upgraded version of Vader and the best Light side 'equal stats' card.(equal stats is the opposite of skewed stats; atk and def are rougly the same)These equal stats cards are good because they have little weaknesses and two strengths. You can boost their defense, and they will still have a decent attack, or you can boost their attack, without leaving them with a pathetic low defense (like Jabba or Ani pad).

These cards can pe placed on the sides, in the middle or in between, without losing effectiveness.Darth Sidious. Atk: 13,005 Def: 13,295 (+) Total stats: 26300 (higher when skill procs) Skill: Self DEF Up Med Cost: 34Sidious beats Dooku SL as the most expensive card to have in your formation at CAP 34.

The defense boost is nice, but it is typically not as effective as Mace's attack skill.Sidious PROBABLY beats Dooku and Vader CC as the best Darkside tank in the game (this has yet to be proven).Yes, it's a good card, but simply not as effective as the cards in tier 1, especially considering his high cost.Master Yoda Exile on Dagobah. Atk: 9,975 Def: 15,543 Total stats: 25,518 ( +10 EVA) Cost: 21Yoda X is to Obi JM what Vader is to Vader CC: they're not as effective, but they costs less cap.

Yoda is a tank, and a tank is what you need in a defensive formation. Not that he's ineffective in an offense formation: put a Han Solo or Lando or two behind him and you got yourself high damage outputters safely sitting behind a card that can take a few (read: 'a lot of') hits. Perhaps the blaster reflection skill was introduced because the combination of Yoda Exile and Han Solo was too overpowered.Boba Fett & Han Solo. Atk: 14,514 and 14,441 Def: 9,149 and 9,265 Total stats: 23,663 and 23,706 Cost: 18High attack cards that deal damage to short range cards that they're gonna feel (exception: Yoda Exile and Dooku). They have a low defense, but that doesn't matter. Typically, no, but when shooting Vader CC or Obi JM and the attacks are reflected, these cards can seriously harm themselves, especially if their attack has been boosted.- Reflected attacks don't just hurt the mediums, but also the shorts.

When there's a medic in between your short and the medium that gets hit by his own attack, that medic has to heal the medium range card, leaving the short range card more vulnerable because its HP will go down faster. Blaster reflection can really distract medics, so watch out with these high attack mediums.Lando Calrissian Atk: 13,064 Def: 11323 Total stats: 24387 ( + x ACC on skill proc) Skill: Self ACC Up Sml Cost: 24Although Lando may not have the high attack that Boba and Han do, he does have a higher defense, which means he'll suffer less from reflected attacks. Lando also has a failry useful skill, that can be useful when fighting Grievous. Although Chewie is arguable better at taking out the General, Lando is far more useful against any other card, and if his skill goes off and he's not shooting Grievous then it'll just be a another guaranteed hit. Nothing wrong with that either. Just don't forget that he does cost 6 more CAP than Han.​Tier 2.5 (high tier 2) these cards are almost as good as the cards in tier 2; the difference is too small to put them a full tier apartS: Dooku - Master YodaM: Aurra Sing, Jango Fett. Atk: 9961 Def: 14672 Total stats: 24633 Cost: 19Dooku is probably the most undervalued card.

Technically, he's the only dark side tank, although Vader CC is arguably a better defender due to blaster reflection. Although considerably less effective than Yoda X (less atk, less def, and 10 less eva), Dooku still does a good job at holding the line, being able to take many hits before he can go down. A relatively cheap choice for a solid frontline defender.Master Yoda. Atk: 13,252 Def: 12,817 Total stats: 26069 Cost: 20Like in the movies, Yoda is the second-most powerful Jedi, only Anakin being more powerful. It would be unfair to put him in the same tier as Anakin TCO, because Anakin has more attack and defense, but that doesn't mean Yoda is a bad card. He beats Luke, Obi padawan and Qui-Gon Jinn and therefore deserves to be in the high tier.Aurra Sing. Atk: 10,758 Def: 8,931 Total stats: 19,689 (or: 30,447) ( + 80 ACC) 2 attacks per turn Cost: 19Aurra is an odd card compared to the others.

Very low attack and defense stats, but very high accuracy and, most importantly, two attacks per turn. Her low attack means she won't be able to damage any card seriously. Instead, she'll reduce a card's defense twice per turn.

Grievous is a better defense reducer, though. But her uniqueness and guaranteed two defense reductions per turn are enough to put her in the high tier.Jango Fett. Atk: 14,326 Def: 9,134 Total stats: 23,460 ( + 10 EVA) Cost: 18Although Jango's stats are virtually equal to Boba's, there's really no reason to pick Jango over Boba, since Boba has both better atk and def. Jango is in this tier for the same reason Master Yoda is: he's good, but there's a (slightly) better alternative.

And no, his 10 extra evasion is not going to help in any way.​Tier 3 (upper mid tier) good cards, but there's better out thereS: Darth Maul Assassin, Dooku Sith LordM: Chewbacca. 4.NEW TIER:HIGH TIER:Master Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi Padawan, ( Leia Organa Slave Leia ), Barriss Offee Healer, C-3PO, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon - Dooku, Darth Vader Death Star, Magnaguard, Emperor's Royal Guard, General GrievousJango Fett, Zam Wesell, Droideka, Clone Commander Cody, TIE Fighter Pilot, Vulture droid - General Rieekan, Leia Organa Endor Celebration, Jan Dodonna, Lando Calrissian, Tarfful. Luke Skywalker X-Wing pilot, Padme Amidala (Battle of Theed)​. MID TIER:R2-D2, Ben Kenobi Death Star, R2-D2 Mechanic, Adi Gallia, Agen Kolar, Ben Kenobi, Luminara UnduliBoba Fett, Grand Moff Tarkin, IG-88B, Clone Commander Bly, Aurra Sing, Nute Gunray, Moff Jerjerrod - Clone Commander Cody - Han Solo, Rancor, Han Solo(In Carbonite)LOW TIER:( Jabba the Hutt ) - Boss Nass - Wicket W WarrickChewbacca, Senate Guard​ note: Slave Leia and Jabba are in brackets because they are not in card packs, which makes them a non-renewable resource and it's up to you to decide whether you do or do not count them in the ranking. Master Yoda has very good stats, but they just don't beat Mace's.

What makes him worthy of the same tier however is his skill, which is invaluable for a 4. or 5. lightside hold-the-line (defensive) formation. Mundi: same story.

Good stats, and an invaluble skill for a lightside offensive formation.Obi-Wan beats Mundi in stats by aprox. 400 points but doesn't have the useful skill. Mace simply has the best stats of all 4. shorts- although his attack is just not as high as Obi-Wan's or Mundi's, he can still deliver quite some damage at only 200/400 points less (respectively Ki/Obi), while doing a much better job at holding the line. Slave Leia has Mundi's stats (30 more eva to compensate for 1K less defense), and an equally good offense buff with a very high proc rate. Barriss is simply the best healer in the game and can allow certain 4. but also 5.

cards to live a few rounds longer.Dooku has high stats and a failry useful skill for very aggresive darkside formations with a frontline full of Sith (although I consider his skill to be less useful than skills that boost your entire formation, it's still a good skill). Death Star Vader has the highest attack of all 4. darkside short range cards (same stats as Obi-Wan with a bit more defense), making him very effective in an offense formation, especially in combination with Dooku's buff. Magnaguard has a good defense and can benefit from Short, Dark and Droid defense buffs but also buffs the entire frontline himself which makes him effective in any darkside non-droideka frontline. Royal Guard has comparable stats and is also invaluable in a darkside defensive formation. Grievous- what needs to be said?

High attack (although not quite as high as Vader's), attacking twice per turn, with a high eva: basically, the mini-version of his 5. counterpart. This card is terrifying and overpowered when the opponent doesn't have an accuracy boost. And his evasion skill gives 5.

Grievous an evasion that's almost as high as Jar Jar's.Jango Fett has the highest attack of all 4. mediums, and a considerably high defense than Veers or Shadowtrooper (this really only matters when fighting against blaster deflection). He's useful in any 4.

formation but also in a 5. formation that simply doesn't have all 5.

mediums. Zam doesn't have Jango's attack, but when her self-attack buff goes off it's game over for whoever she hits, and like Jango she can be used in a 5. formation. Just like Jango has an insanely high attack for a 4., Droideka has the highest defense of all. In fact, it's as high as 5. Qui-Gon's (!) (whether that makes Droideka a really good 4., or Qui-Gon a really bad 5., is open to discussion.

Either way, Qui-Gon is still a better defender since 5. have better evasion than 4. and shorts have better eva than mediums. Besides, it can boost its own defense by 20%. Tarfful has the highest attack of all 4.

lights. He's good for the same reason Jango is.

His skill isn't the best, although it can be great to counter Grievous.​Tier 1.5. Almost as good as tier 1- just slightly lower stats.S: -M: General Veers, Shadow Stormtrooper, TIE Fighter Pilot, Vulture Droid - Clone Commander Bly. C-3PO has a good defense and has an invaluable skill for a defensive formation. Fisto has an even better defense and a skill that can also be very useful in a defensive formation (with a much better proc rate than 3PO). Plo Koon doesn't beat Mace in stats but his skill works nicely against other 4. cards (but there's no room for Plo in a mostly 5.

formation, unlike other useful skill cards). Rancor is the first neutral that has some decent potential.

He has an all attack up skill with his already relatively high attack. Backed up by Malakili his stats will just become that much better. Commander Cody has one of the best skills in the game, almost invaluable for attack-focused formations, and it has a very good proc rate, but his stats are bad, so he's not allowed in Tier 1. Rieekan also hasn't the most useful stats but his skill is absolutely invaluable in a lightside defensive formation.

Endor Leia doesn't beat Bly or Tarfful in terms of attack power but her defense makes her resistent to blaster reflection and she benefits from Rebel buffs. Now there's Jan Dodonna, who some consider to be top tier, but: his attack power is worse than 3. Han or Panaka's, so in terms of stats he's not very useful. His skill is useful, yes, but the proc rate is not very good. There are more niche attack buffs or defense debuffs that beat Jan's skill in terms of reliability. Lando has a decent amount of attack -it's not as high as Bly's or Tarfful's- and a somewhat useful skill.

Metal slug download. Lando's skill was considered invaluable to any formation when there were no healers and Bails or Queens. However, since Lando no longer boosts 2/3rd of your formation, his skill can be more of a hindrance than a help.​Tier 3. Not the best, but still decent cards.S: R2-D2, Ben Kenobi Death Star, R2-D2 Mechanic, Han Solo(In Carbonite)M: Boba Fett, Grand Moff Tarkin, IG-88B, Clone Commander Bly.

Star Wars Force Collection Card Values

These cards are still interesting, but they're not the best. R2 has a very good skill which makes him worthy of his tier, but his stats are pretty bad. Ben is a decent defender, but not as good as Yoda. R2 mechanic is as useful as Barriss for a droid deck but since there aren't many light side droids he's a pretty niche card. Han Solo (In Carbonite) he is the new shaak. Being sold for a whopping 240k credits.

He also has a pretty sweet pic. Boba has decent stats, but his attack is just too low to make him a good attacker and his defense is just too low to make him a good defender. Tarkin has a good skill for defense formations but semi-worthless stats and a bad proc rate. IG-88B is good for droid formations, but can't beat Jango.

Same story for Bly: Jango is better, but Bly has a (sometimes) useful skill.​Tier 4. Lower mid tier. They have some potential, but there's better out there.S: Adi Gallia, Agen Kolar, Ben Kenobi, Luminara UnduliM: Clone Commander Cody - Aurra Sing, Nute Gunray, Moff Jerjerrod - Han Solo.

These cards aren't even bad, it's just that there's better out there. Mace beats all the other Jedi in this tier in every aspect.

Cody is a decent support defender but his skill isn't the most useful. Aurra is a good support defender, but doesn't have much use otherwise. Nute and Jerjerrod are only good (in fact, even invaluable) in a Droid and Empire deck respectively, but their stats are next to worthless. Han Solo has good defense for when you need a support defender and don't happen to have Aurra or Rieekan, but the fact that he's neutral makes him less useful than the former.​Tier 5. These cards aren't very good.S:( Jabba the Hutt ) - Boss Nass - Wicket W WarrickM:Chewbacca, Senate Guard.

Click to expand.Bly has 600 more attack than Lando. U need only 1 sk40 Lando to your formation and depending on u r playing with Madine or not, the rest mediums have to be Bly or Leia Endor. And he cant do proc steal if his skill is lesser than Lando skill.In effctiveness maybe Dooku is the best dark short card. Nobody will trade him 1 on 1 with old Vader cuz of 3 reasons.1. Dooku is common. After the RoTB2 his value is dropped cuz if more Dooku in the market the less his value is.2.

Vader cc is better tank, so p2p players dont need Dooku so much any more, nobody is willing to overpay for him.3. Dooku is a support card. Cant win battles alone. Very important card but u need a tier 1 (in your system) medium behind him to win your matches.Other thing is that Boba - Aurra - Lando - old Vader - Yoda - Yoda x r all running in 1on1 trades everywhere. Han worth 1-2 topper more and Jango 1-2 topper less, but these cards r all in 1 big tier. This is the good but not premium cards tier.

Bly has 600 more attack than Lando. U need only 1 sk40 Lando to your formation and depending on u r playing with Madine or not, the rest mediums have to be Bly or Leia Endor. And he cant do proc steal if his skill is lesser than Lando skill.In effctiveness maybe Dooku is the best dark short card. Nobody will trade him 1 on 1 with old Vader cuz of 3 reasons.1.

Dooku is common. After the RoTB2 his value is dropped cuz if more Dooku in the market the less his value is.2. Vader cc is better tank, so p2p players dont need Dooku so much any more, nobody is willing to overpay for him.3.

Dooku is a support card. Cant win battles alone. Very important card but u need a tier 1 (in your system) medium behind him to win your matches.Other thing is that Boba - Aurra - Lando - old Vader - Yoda - Yoda x r all running in 1on1 trades everywhere.

Han worth 1-2 topper more and Jango 1-2 topper less, but these cards r all in 1 big tier. This is the good but not premium cards tier.