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Azeroth in “ This is Azeroth. A dangerous, beautiful, magical, and inspiring world. A world filled with discovery, innovation, and wonder.

A world worth fighting for. A world worth protecting.” —, pg. 11Azeroth is the name of the in which the majority of the series is set. At its core dwells a slumbering, the of a. Long ago, it was invaded by the, eldritch abominations from the. When the arrived, the titans imprisoned the Old Gods deep beneath the earth, before healing and ordering the world, and seeding life across the planet.

A great fount of magic that would nurture the land was placed at the center of, known as the.One day, attracted by the Well, the armies of the found Azeroth and caused the of the world. After the, two major powers emerged, the and the. Although ravaged by inner conflict and external threats, the peoples of Azeroth have, somehow, always managed to survive. View of Azeroth fromThe world of Azeroth is comprised of four major, with a number of scattered about them. The is located in between the four landmasses, and at the center of it is the — a massive chaotic whirlpool and all that remains of the ancient.

To the east lies the, which is made up of three major regions. To the south, in the middle, and to the north, these last two separated by a channel and connected by the dwarven bridge of. To the west, across the ocean, is, which is also divided. North of the sea lies the frozen continent of, and to the south the newly discovered landmass of, which had been isolated and shrouded by during the last 10,000 years. The islands of, and the have been of major importance in recent events.Before the all these continents and islands were one single landmass known as, the name which would live on in the modern western continent. At the end of the war, with the implosion of the Well causing the, the landmass shattered into four continents while the sunken land in between became the Great Sea.The is the expanse of water to the east of the Eastern Kingdoms and the sits west of Kalimdor. South of Pandaria lies the.on the and in are two of the tallest mountains on the planet.Azeroth has two moons, the and the.When diverted the magical powers that coursed beneath Azeroth to the, the world's crust splintered, and the resulting unstable rifts tore the very fabric of the magical dimension of the.

History Main article: Ancient times. The moons known as the and the.As the traveled the cosmos, ordering worlds and searching for additional titans, a miraculous new world, which would later become known as Azeroth, was taking form in a distant corner of the. Forged by primordial infernos, the world hosted a who stirred to life within its core. As this world-soul developed, she drew in and consumed much of the fifth element, causing Azeroth's native to grow increasingly erratic and chaotic.

The four — the ruthlessly cunning, the brutish, the protective and the wise — reveled in strife, constantly clashing with each other and keeping the world in constant flux. One day, however, the arrived, plummeting down from the Great Dark and embedding themselves in the world's surface. With the aid of their servants, the and the, the eldritch horrors established the, and though the Elemental Lords attempted to extinguish what they saw as a threat to their dominion, the elementals were eventually enslaved. After the ordering of Azeroth.Azeroth eventually attracted the attention of the wandering, who fought the Old Gods in a war of ordering the world and shaping it with artifacts known as the. Though the elementals were powerful beyond mortal comprehension, their combined forces could not stop the mighty titans. One by one, the elemental lords fell, and their forces dispersed.

The Pantheon shattered the Old Gods' citadels and, after killing at least, they cast the remaining ones down into eternal imprisonment deep beneath the earth, the place of their confinement hidden from all and their powers bound until the end of time. With the elementals' departure, nature calmed, and the world settled into a peaceful harmony. With the help of their constructs (the ancestors of, and ), the titans paved new landscapes and shaped the world as they saw fit, allowing life to flourish on Azeroth. Satisfied, the titans built hidden cities for their construct creations and created the to guard the planet before leaving on their cosmic journey.Before leaving, the titans created an enormous lake filled with energy, known as the, at the center of the great landmass of.

The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth, and soon intelligent races evolved from the land's primitive life forms. The were among the first and most prolific. Though the various troll tribes varied greatly in culture and traditions, they all shared a common religion centered around the elusive, or ', mysterious and powerful beings that originated from Azeroth itself. The, the most powerful troll tribe, established the temple city of and a great civilisation upon the summit of the sacred mountain range, where many of the trolls' honored loa dwelt. Soon, however, splinter factions of the Zandalari left Zuldazar seeking war and conquest, establishing the and empires. Later, the empire of rose in the west, forcing the trolls to better defend their major holdings. With pressure from their trollish enemies, the empire of the aqir collapsed and split into the, and kingdoms.

Azeroth after the.After their war with the aqir, the trolls controlled most of Kalimdor. A group of distanced themselves from their warlike brethren, instead dwelling in cavernous tunnel networks beneath and surrounding areas. Eventually, some of the dark trolls began migrating towards the heart of Kalimdor, establishing villages along the way and in time re-discovering the. One of the dark troll tribes settled upon its shores, and the magic of the Well uplifted them into powerful and virtually immortal beings that would later become known as the, or 'kaldorei'. Using the potent magics of the Well of Eternity, the elves broke troll influence in many regions and established a magocratic empire.

At the height of kaldorei power, however, their reckless use of magic attracted the demonic armies of the. And her summoned the Burning Legion into the world, sparking the. The night elves not loyal to Azshara, along with their and allies, were forced to destroy the Well, which caused a that split the ancient supercontinent of Kalimdor apart, creating several smaller continents:, the (including, and ), and '.Following the war, there was a schism among the elves. The night elves abandoned their arcane heritage, instead embracing under the tutelage of the first druid,. The kaldorei, with the help of the Great Aspects, planted the on top of the last remaining waters of the Well of Eternity, in order to protect and heal Azeroth.

However, the Highborne refused to give up arcane magic. Fearing their use of magic would cause another demonic invasion, the night elves banished the Highborne from Kalimdor. Renaming themselves, the former servants of Azshara sailed across the.

They settled in the north of Lordaeron, establishing the mighty kingdom of. There, they rediscovered the, who still had a strong force over the land. Soon the two cultures clashed in what became known as the. With support from the young race of, the high elves broke and scattered what remained of the Amani empire.Meanwhile, on Kalimdor, the night elves were forced to fight with the reawakened and their masters, in what would be called the. Bent on exterminating all non-insectoid life, the qiraji clashed with the night elves on the sands of. With the help of their ancient allies, the kaldorei were able to defeat the insectoid empire, and closed the in order to seal the insectoid race inside, thus ending the war.Living in peace within their mountain homes, the, descendants of the -forged, prospered. However, when their high king, passed, a struggle for power over the capital city of began.

The ensued, forcing dwarf against dwarf and split the dwarves into three clans; the, the and the. Eventually, the Bronzebeards defeated the other two and banished them from the city. The Wildhammers went north and founded the city of, settling the and the.

The Dark Irons went south and founded the city of. Angered by their defeat, the Dark Irons prepared two armies to destroy their cousins. However, both of these armies were defeated.

Combining their forces, the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer marched to Thaurissan to end the Dark Irons once and for all. Sensing impending defeat, accidentally summoned into Azeroth. The resulting destruction formed and halted the advance of the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer armies, but doomed the Dark Irons to centuries of servitude to the Firelord.Great WarsThough the Legion constantly sought to re-enter Azeroth, the, through its agent, the, ensured that the demons were kept at bay. However, thousands of years after the War of the Ancients, the Burning Legion attempted to destroy Azeroth once more, this time indirectly.

The demon lord forced the once peaceful and of into Azeroth. Manipulating the orc and possessing the human, the last Guardian of Tirisfal, the Legion was able to open a between both worlds, and the orcs poured through into Azeroth. The extended conflict with these alien invaders became known as the and, during which time the destroyed the Kingdom of, as well as establishing strongholds in, and the.

However, the mighty Horde was eventually broken and scattered by an of,. Feeling the effects of their demonic blood rage dissipate as they languished in internment camps, the orcs were able to remember their peaceful, roots.

Sensing this change, of the set about establishing a new Horde.Angered by the Horde's failure, the Burning Legion prepared for yet another invasion, the culmination of their efforts, on both continents. The Legion sent its pawn, the to undermine the Azerothian defenses.

After establishing his base in and defeating the in the, the Lich King set loose in the East a plague of undeath on the that the Legion so despised. This undead quickly broke the northern powers, demoralizing the people of the Eastern Kingdoms in preparation for a Legion offensive. Lured to north by the Lich King, of Lordaeron became his death knight pawn and the instrument of his liberation from the Legion's grasp. The Scourge under Arthas scattered the, obliterated Lordaeron and broke the power of the in Quel'Thalas.In the West, the demons and their allies made a more direct assault on their old kaldorei enemies. In desperation, the elves turned to, a demon hunter from the War of the Ancients who had violated druidic law and had been imprisoned for ten thousand years.


During the course of the conflict, Illidan was persuaded by the insidious Arthas to attack the demon known as and drink from the (a small part in the Lich King's greater scheme to emancipate himself from his Legion jailers).Through the machinations of the then cleansed Medivh, leaders of the New Horde and the Alliance were drawn to Kalimdor. While traveling Thrall's Horde forged powerful alliances with the exiles and the native tauren of Kalimdor. In Kalimdor the Alliance and Horde joined with the night elves to thwart the Legion advance into, where the was vulnerable to demonic attack., the leader of the daemonic invasion, as well as most of his followers, were defeated in the. Territories of the and the during theRecent timesConcerned with the separatist Scourge, Kil'jaeden solicited the half-demonic Illidan into destroying the source of the Lich King's power. With the aid of his allies, who he had recalled from the, he succeeded in breaking at least some of the Lich King's power. Hounded by his night elf jailers and the seething, Illidan was unable to complete his task.

Suffering under the effects of magical withdrawal, the blood elves were persuaded to enter into the ranks of the. Fearing 's wrath, Illidan and his allies fled to the decimated world of. There, Illidan toppled the regime of to become the new ruler of Outland.The weakening of the allowed some of the Scourge to regain their free will. Under the Banshee Queen, these managed to force the Legion-controlled undead from the ruins of Lordaeron and establish a stronghold beneath its streets.

Arthas, meanwhile, fought a desperate battle in Northrend to save his master from the newly empowered lord of Outland, who under increasing threats from Kil'jaeden had taken up his quest to destroy the Lich King once more. Illidan was defeated by Arthas and retreated to Outland, while Arthas merged with the malicious spirit of the Lich King.Following the, the political landscape of Azeroth changed greatly. The orcish nation of was established in Kalimdor, as was the human colony of. The night elves joined the Alliance, and the Forsaken joined the New Horde. The remaining citizens of Lordaeron, broken by the Scourge, formed new regimes: the xenophobic and zealous and the compassionate, citizens that stay in Lordaeron along with the refugees that fled to the remaining Alliance strongholds such as.

With the armies of the Horde and the Alliance decimated by the Third War, the defense of their borders became the responsibility of small bands of heroes and adventurers. Combined Horde and Alliance forces assaultAfter a thousand years of waiting, the stirred within the confines of their city.

Unleashing it's armies once more, the wished to destroy all life on the world and leave nothing but chaos in its wake. Silithid began attacking the areas all around their fortress, attracting the attention of both the Alliance and Horde.

With no other choice, the two were forced to work together and created the. With the help of the dragonflights, they recreated the. With it, they used its power to unlock the and entered the ruined city. There, they defeated the Silithid and their masters. Adventurers fought their way through the city and finally reached the Chamber of C'Thun. After a long battle with the great beast, C'Thun was defeated and his remnants were brought to Caelestrasz.

And so, the came to an end. The battle at theAfter major threats in were neutralized by Horde and Alliance forces in the, the power-blocks once more formed a tentative alliance in response to the opening of the. The Horde formed an alliance of necessity with the, while the Alliance warily welcomed the exiles into their ranks. The was fought on multiple fronts and against numerous factions. The greatest threat was the, who, after their defeat on Hyjal, were mobilizing their forces for yet another invasion of Azeroth, this time via Outland. Finally, Illidan's hegemony in Outland proved to be short-lived.

After losing the support of, whose addiction to fel energy led him to side with the Legion, the scattered coalition of naga, and demons called the were defeated by and Azerothian forces. After the destruction of the Illidari and his own defeat, Kael'thas returned to Azeroth, where he planned to restore his beloved Sunwell as a means of summoning, his new master, into Azeroth. To counter this, the opposing factions in, the and, joined with the of.

Great big war game mods. This marched upon the Sunwell, slaying Kael'Thas and forcing Kil'jaeden back to the Twisting Nether. Using the power of the fallen, the Prophet ignited the Sunwell, thus returning the blood elves' power.Dragon Aspect after thousands of years regained his sanity and saw that magic had run amok throughout the world of Azeroth, and blamed this on the reckless use of magic by the mortal races that had arisen in his ten millennia of isolation. Using the powerful, he began to siphon magic from the world.

Realizing that Malygos had become a very real threat, the used what remaining powers they had to magically transfer the rebuilt city of Dalaran to the skies of Northrend to combat their new foe in what would be called the. Malygos' actions have also incurred the ire of the, led by the Dragonqueen. Forming an alliance with the other, the sought to end Malygos' war. The final blow against Malygos was struck thanks to the efforts of mortal heroes where they were joined by drakes of the red dragonflight.

With the combined strength of the heroes and the drakes, Malygos was defeated. Alliance and Horde forces converge on inAfter years of sitting dormant, the awoke and began his invasion of Azeroth. Defending their major holdings from a Scourge incursion in Kalimdor and Azeroth, the Horde-Alliance blocks, emboldened by their conquest of Outland, launched a final joint offensive on the Scourge forces in, starting the. Their efforts were bolstered thanks to an internal rebellion against the Scourge by the and the newly created, led by the paladin.

The Horde-Alliance entente ended with the crisis at the. Their joint forces were routed at the gates to when a separatist faction of Forsaken bombarded the living and dead alike with their new strain of blight. The fragile truce was shattered by this event, and both sides almost entered into an open war once again. With the help of the, their separate efforts were enough to finally breach the walls of Icecrown. In a final battle, Tirion and the combined forces of the Horde and Alliance shattered Frostmourne and ended the Lich King.

Took the responsibility to became the new undead king, in order to keep the Scourge forces at bay.Soon after, the launched his attack against Azeroth from the. Forcing people to lay trapped within their own nightmares, he used these victims to attack those unaffected by the nightmare. And so, the began. However, led by, the people from Azeroth were able to fight back.

Using their dreamforms, they took the battle to the Emerald Nightmare where they freed and confronted the Nightmare Lord and his army. With the help of druids on the waking world, Malfurion was eventually able to destroy the Nightmare Lord's power source, both in the Emerald Dream and on Azeroth. People awoke from their nightmares and things returned to normal. The Horde and the Alliance tried once again to make a treaty, mostly because both groups needed to recover from the recent wars. But this treaty was not meant to last.

Breaking free from ready to bring destruction to the worldDeep within, the domain of earth in the, the corrupted had been waiting, recovering from the wounds of his last battle against Azeroth and biding his time until he could reforge the world in molten fire. Some time after the end of the War against the Lich King, Deathwing returned to Azeroth, and massively damaged the world. The kingdoms of Azeroth witnessed seismic shifts in power, the kindling of a war of the elements, and a return to. With the help of the led by and the powerful, Deathwing sought out to destroy the world in molten flame. Coming to the conclusion that the only way to defeat the great, the Aspects and Thrall agreed they would need the to end him.

While Thrall retrieved it from the past, the Wyrmrest Accord and their mortal allies battled the of Deathwing at. On his way to hand over the Demon Soul, Thrall was attacked by the new leader of the nearly extinct Twilight's Hammer, the. After defeating him, Thrall returned the Demon Soul to the Aspects who empowered it. After unleashing it's wrath upon Deathwing, the great dragon was finally destroyed at the Maelstrom.

With the powers of the Aspects gone, the began.Another threat that the world faced was in the form of the, a force that could annihilate all life,. Thanks to an and the led by, the world was protected until his brother betrayed the order, joined the, and destroyed the naaru with the, shattering the sword in the process and blasting its shards across the world. The naaru's essence survived in the crystal shards so the Darkstorm couldn't come. The naaru guided Greydon, and later his son and to collect the shards and reforge the sword. The same order gave Xaraax to Silverlaine, now known as Malus, and his.

Upon capturing the, Makasa found and reforged the Blade. Wanting to free their family from Xaraax's in on, she raised an army of, and various individuals. Makasa led the force to the citadel, fighting her way to the top to Xaraax. He managed to take the blade and began corrupting it. However, he had deemed Malus unuseful, and now, Malus took the dreadlord's former fel sword, impaled him on it and tossed him into the Darkstorm. The fight went on, but eventually, the Thornes and their friends bested the majority of the demons and the evil Hidden. Outnumbered, Makasa, with assistance from Aram, quickly ended his life.

With Malus' demise, the Darkstorm evaporated.After the world was finally free from the grip of 's destructive rampage, the conflict between the Alliance and Horde began to intensify to an unprecedented scale, especially after the which led to a massive uproar in the other Alliance nations and a full retaliation. The discovery of the, the pandaren clans of and, and their newly found allegiance have brought the tales of their mystical homeland of to the attention of the warring factions, which hope to gain the favor of its inhabitants and gain their natural resources, as the land is undamaged by the effects.The arrival of the Alliance and Horde in Pandaria and their war led to a large disturbance in the emotional harmony of Pandaria. The newcomers' hate, anger, violence, doubt, despair, fear, and pride manifested as, ancient deadly creatures created by the Old God 's last breath. For thousands of years, the pandaren learned to contain their negative emotions, in turn, to contain the Sha from wreaking havoc.

Brave adventurers managed to purge the Sha one by one, but as they did so, other forces were at work. The and their allies resurrected the ancient emperor of the mogu. The of the lands beyond the fell under the influence of the, leading them to attack the great wall separating them from pandaren lands. Also attacking the nomadic, forcing them to also attack the pandaren to escape.

Lei Shen's forces gathered at his to prepare for a great invasion of Pandaria. The Alliance and Horde were quick to land forces on the island to stop Lei Shen, and he was soundly defeated and killed forever at the steps of his throne. The power-hungry Warchief of the Horde began to attempt to use Sha corruption to infuse Horde warriors. After discovering a through goblin excavation, he used its power to corrupt the great, killing most of the and in the process. Returning to Orgrimmar, he built a great underground citadel for his plans of conquering Azeroth and creating a pure orcish Horde. His actions eventually led a in his ranks to ally with the Alliance and to Orgrimmar. Most of Garrosh's followers were killed, captured or happened to escape during the chaos of the battle, the war between the Alliance and Horde was proclaimed to have ended, and the rebellion took control of the city and began to rebuild.

Garrosh was then taken to Pandaria to await trial. Visible in the sky above Azeroth after used the to open a rift between Argus and AzerothGarrosh escaped with the help of to an of past.

The former warchief created the and had the two universes connected through the Dark Portal. The Iron Horde's invasion force, the, attacked and razed the settlements of Blasted Lands, eventually triggering the heroes of the Horde and Alliance for a counterattack to Draenor itself. The resulted in demons taking over the Iron Horde thanks to the. When the natives with the Azerothian forces defeated corrupted orcs and their demonic masters, Gul'dan was sent to the. From there the diabolical orc was sent to Azeroth and he opened a portal for the demons on the. Pouring from the above the Tomb of Sargeras, the Burning Legion began their of Azeroth.Azeroth ultimately survived the invasion and ended the, but not without scars.

His into Azeroth in Silithus forming the. Cracks began occurring all across the planet's surface, the planet hemorrhaging its ',' spilling to the surface as a blue-gold substance. As it emerged, it crystalized into thrumming spires reaching towards the sky. The scrambling over this new substance would ignite the between the Alliance and Horde. The two sides recruit to bolster their depleted ranks.Inhabitants Native heritage.Goblin and pygmies.and. /.origin.