Civcity Rome Mediolanum Walkthrough
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Page 1CivCity Rome General FAQ.CivCity RomeGeneral FAQVersion 0.70bydeadgreg (T. Gregory Drummond)Initial Release: April 2007CONTENTS OF THIS FAQThis FAQ is organized according to a basic chapter/section/topic design. Onlychapters and sections are listed in the ToC, below.1.
INTRODUCTION1.1About This FAQ1.2Terms of Use1.3Regarding the Author1.4Disclaimer2. GAME DETAILS2.1Minimum System Requirements2.2Recommended System Requirements2.3Game Interface2.4In-Game Menu2.5Ratings and Reports3. Dead cells cheats. FARMS AND COMMERCE4.1Raw Materials and Food4.2Production4.3Trade within the Empire5. SECURITY5.1Fires and Riots5.2Strategic Defense6.
RESEARCH6.1Alphabet6.2Mysticism6.3Mathematics6.4Animal Husbandry6.5Exploration6.6Tool Making7. CITY MANAGEMENT7.1City Happiness and Population7.2Finances and Economy7.3Temples and Religion7.4City Entertainment7.5Civic Services7.6Grandeur and Wonders8. CAREER CAMPAIGN8.1Peaceful Missions8.2Military Missions9.
SINGLE MISSIONS9.1Free-Build Scenarios9.2Military Service9.3Imperial Service.1. INTRODUCTIONThis chapter presents information on this FAQ, its terms of use, and itsauthor. Use of this document constitutes agreement with all stipulationsbelow. There is no information relevant to game play here, so feel free toskip it.1.1 About This FAQThis is a general FAQ, written for the PC CD-ROM retail software edition ofCivCity Rome (update version 1.1), a city builder game that takes conceptualinspiration from the popular Civilization series from Sid Meyers, though noknowledge of Civilization is needed to play CivCity Rome.
City builder gamesare common to say the least, and CCR employs many of the usual elements. Herethe main difference lies in the game interface, particularly the visualrepresentation of quantitative information. In english, that means one cansee whether a particular granary has any olives stored there simply by lookingat it, for instance. This greatly facilitates the often troublesome processof assessing the operation of a particular area in your city.I asked it, and this FAQ makes no claim of being accurate, precise, complete,or even very good looking, and has no plans of making such a claim in theimmediate future. It does claim, however, to be the first FAQ on CivCity Romeever read by the author, which still isn't saying very much. If you shouldhappen come in contact with some of the more vacuous sections of thisdocument, do not be alarmed!
Useful information is, as we speak, flyingthrough the night to join our struggle against the great void. Be patient,and check back later.CivCity Rome is Copyright 2006 Take-Two Interactive Software and itssubsidiaries. All rights reserved. Developed by Firefly Studios.1.2 Terms of UseThis document is copyright to Thomas Gregory Drummond (a.k.a. Deadgreg), 10March 2007, California, USA. All rights reserved except as noted in thedisclaimer below. This document is free for private use and shared useamongst free-access gamer sites, with the restrictions noted in this section(and references therein).
Any excerpts, quotations, or citations of thisdocument must reference this document and include the author's name. Thisdocument must not be modified for presentation in any way without the author'sprior written consent, except for direct font format conversions with nochange of text, neither insertions nor deletions nor substitutions. Sale ofthis information is expressly forbidden.1.3 Regarding the AuthorFirst, I apologize for submitting an incomplete FAQ. I am aware of how trulyangering a blank section can be sometimes.
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I felt a quasi-modo was warrantedin this case by the dearth of available practical information on the mechanicsand landscape of the game. Thus, I have tried especially to include a portionof general information and advice that can be applied to many scenarios.Version 1.0 of this FAQ is nearly complete, and I promise to post it soon. Inthe meantime, I hope version 0.70 helps your game play in some small way.If you should feel the need to contact me, don't. Or at least never inanger.
If there is confusing language in this document, or if you findsomething egregiously wrong, please do let me know straight away by email atthe address below. I will try to make changes as appropriate. If you havespecific questions you would like answered, please use the related GameFaqsmessage board. Thank you for your support.banderwocky@gmail.com1.4 DisclaimerThis general FAQ is not authorized or endorsed by the creators or publishersof CivCity Rome, nor by GameFaqs or similar free-post sites.
The contents ofthis document were researched and developed solely by the author, except wherenoted. This document is based upon CivCity Rome update version 1.1 of theretail PC CD-ROM software edition and inclusions.
This FAQ is intended forguidance and informational purposes only; it is not accurate or complete.This document was created with Microsoft Word 2003 using 9 pt. Courier Newfont.2. PLAY THE GAMEDon't Panic (imagine large, friendly letters).Simulation strategy games typically require you to continually parse severalpieces of changing information. This chapter presents an overview of basicinformation that is fundamental to installation and operation of the software,as well as navigation of the game and its menus.As with the Civilization series, CivCity Rome uses a complex feedback systemwith random outside influences to model to the operational environment of yourcity. Thus, it can sometimes be quite challenging (or impossible) to trackdown and repair the source(s) of certain crippling problems in the city, suchas insufficient rations, insufficient funds, etc. In this case, I refer thereader the first paragraph of this section. It can be shown mathematicallythat a dynamic system with enough influences must naturally fluctuate, nomatter how well it is controlled.
If city doesn't do exactly what you want,it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong. Thus, it is helpfulto focus on long-term trends and ignore short-term fluctuations.