Trine Portal

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Total Experience - 100 Skill XP & 110 Upgrade XP

Table of Contents

Beginning of Level

Enter the castle and hook onto the chandeliers. Collect the four upgrade XP (1-4) on them. You can just hook onto one with Zoya's hook shot and just hold up to reel in the rope and pull yourself onto the chandelier. Continue up the stairs and place a conjured cube to open the door.

Checkpoint 1

You'll see a spot to hook onto the ceiling above. Pull yourself up this way to activate the switch at the top. A portal will activate down below. Drop down and enter the portal to enter the next room. You'll see two portals here as well. Jump into the portal while collecting the upgrade XP (5) as Amadeus. While you're falling, create a cube at the top of the room. There are two boards that will prevent objects from passing through so you want to create this cube while falling. Place it under the top portal and jump through it again. Jump to the right for another upgrade XP (6).

Checkpoint 2

Jump into the portal below, you'll see you'll fly through the other portal. Move into the two upgrade XP (7 & 8) between the portals. After those are collecting, hop onto the top right platform for another upgrade XP (9). Activate the switch to open a hidden room behind a bookshelf below. Drop down and enter it for an upgrade XP (10). Push the stone cube down to the right and charge it as Pontius to break the crystal wall, revealing two mirrored cubes. Now it's time for Amadeus to shine. Place the stone block on the small stone square on the ground, below the right beam receiver. Now place the blue angled mirror under the left light to reflect it to the right. Take the gold mirror block and place it on the stone block so it's reflecting the light into the light receiver on the right.

Before exiting this room, break the wood in the bottom right corner. You'll see two upgrade XP (11 & 12) in the bottom corner of the screenshot above. Pick those up and then exit this room via the top right corner. You'll be in a small make up room with two mirrors. Look at the top left corner of this room. There will be a vase on a high shelf. Shoot the little wooden block below the shelf to drop the vase for an upgrade XP (13).

Checkpoint 3

You'll enter a room where the floor is covered in poisonous gas. There's a box just before the next platform. Levitate it to your side and connect a hook shot from the box to the platform ahead.

Break the vase on this table for an upgrade XP (14). Now move the box onto this table and conjure another cube to place on it. Climb up both of these to jump to the two upgrade XP (15 & 16) above. Now levitate the block from the left to the right side of the table. Conjure a cube beyond it. You want to jump to the conjured cube and then move the crate ahead, the crates should be leap frogging Amadeus.

Jump up the platforms to the right and pick up the upgrade XP (17) ahead.

Checkpoint 4

Conjure a cube and place it on the left of the two switches here. Stand on the right switch to open the door as Amadeus. Once the door opens ahead, you'll see a cube in the next room. Pick it up with your levitation powers and move it onto the right switch. Now that both switches are pressed, connect a hook from the right box to the loop at the door. Walk across this rope bridge for 4 more upgrade XP (18-21).

Here you'll see that some portals can be moved by Amadeus. The portal blocking the path can be moved. Move it up to the top of the ceiling, above the three upgrade XP (22-24), and rotate it so it's facing down. It needs to have the yellow portal going down, not the blue. Conjure a cube to jump through the lower portal and pick up the three experience through the top portal.

This next room will have a block on the other side of a locked door. You can still levitate it as Amadeus. Move it through the portal and place it on the ground below the upper portal. Conjure a cube to place on top of that block to jump through the portal for an upgrade XP (25). Break the shelf on the right side of this room for a hidden upgrade XP (26) in the vase. Now levitate the block through the portal again so you're in the right room with the block. Take Pontius and have him charge the block through the portal to break the crystal wall in the upper left.

Now go through the portal as Pontius and charge immediately to the left once you exit the upper portal. Climb up the platforms here.

Checkpoint 5

You'll see a portrait in the top left corner of this room. Break it with an arrow. Conjure a cube and move it onto the switch. You'll drop 5 upgrade XP (27-31). 2 wolves and 2 archers will also appear. Kill them to get ten skill XP (1-10).

Enter the next room just up these stairs and you'll see poisonous gas on the ground. You'll see a hook spot in the top left corner. Hook onto it and swing side to side. Just above where you can hook is 5 upgrade XP (32-36). Jump up into it after you gain some speed from swinging. Now shoot the platform under the upgrade XP (37) to the right with an ice arrow to freeze it. Jump on it to collect the experience. Place the box in here on this platform and use it to reach the ledge above to your right.

Checkpoint 6

Break the vase hanging on the string above for an upgrade XP (38). This room requires some creativity. Move one mirrored cube under the hook the vase was hanging from, it should be pointing to the upper right. Now take the other cube and rotate it so it's facing to the upper left. Move it all the way to the left so it's touching the closed door. Drop it down so it's leaning on the stairs. Now jump on the lower cube and reflect the light into the upper cube and into the receiver at the top. View the screenshot below to see how the beam should be reflected.

In the next room, look at the shelf on the wall just above the door. Shoot the wooden block under it to drop the shelf, breaking the vase with an upgrade XP (39) in it. Move the top portal so it's facing to the left and towards the upper receiver. Now stand in the light beam and reflect it through the portal to the right. It should be traveling through the portal and into the upper receiver.

A large staircase will emerge from the toxic cloud below. Climb the stairs and move the portal so you can enter it. Jump through it for a hidden area with 5 upgrade XP (40-44). Hop through the portal again and head up the stairs.

Checkpoint 7

Jump through the window for an upgrade XP (45). You will see a wooden plank you can stomp through below. There is five upgrade XP (46-50) down here. Conjure a cube and just hold it in the middle of this gap. Jump onto it and quickly jump to the platform to the right to pick up the experience. You'll have to be quick as you lose your levitation powers once you jump on a block you're levitating.

Climb back out of here and head to the right to fight 3 archers and 2 wolves for ten skill XP (11-20). Hook onto the hook spot above to raise the small catch, lowering the door. Before you enter the door, swing to the left to get on top of the structure to the left. There's three upgrade XP (51-53)Daily celebrity crossword puzzle. up here. Now jump through the open door to the right.

Checkpoint 8

Break the barrels and crates here to reveal two upgrade XP (54 & 55). Now hook the book shelf and walk it to the left. Hook it onto the ground so you can sneak behind it. You have to move the mirrored blocks and stack two on the right so the beam will be reflected to the left. Now stack two on the left so the beam will be reflected into the receiver to the right. View the image below to see how the mirrored cubes should be placed.

Swing on your hook to the right but don't jump onto the platform to the right just yet. Instead, swing back to the left onto a hidden platform in the upper left. View the image below to see where to go.

You'll see two portals with three switches. First off, shoot an ice arrow at the left most switch. Just shooting an ice arrow will freeze it in an activated position. Now levitate the box on the right into the middle switch. You can let go of it, the box will drop between portals but every time it hits the middle switch, it will activate it. Now conjure a cube and hold it on the right most switch. Wait for the box to hit the middle switch and the door to the right will open for 5 upgrade XP (56-60) and a letter.

Head back down to the room with the beam and swing with your hook shot to the next platform in the upper right.

Checkpoint 9

Read the book in the middle of this room for a bit of lore. Head to the right but don't exit this room just yet. Conjure a cube and levitate it below the top right platform. You want to be directly below the platform and levitate the block to the left. You should be positioned as shown in the screenshot below. Jump and you should grab onto the edge of this cube. Quickly jump to the platform to the right for three upgrade XP (61-63).

Stand on the switch ahead to activate an elevator. You'll fight 2 wolves, 2 spirits, and 2 spiders here. Fight them all off for ten skill XP (21-30). Once the elevator stops and the enemies are dead, conjure a cube along the left wall. Hook it to the wall and levitate the cube up to open a door, revealing three hidden upgrade XP (64-66).

Checkpoint 10

Conjure a cube and place it on the switch at the wall to the right. Jump through the new opening for an upgrade XP (67). You'll enter a large room with toxic gas below and two chandeliers. Place a conjured cube on the left platform and create a rope bridge from it to the first chandelier. Now create a rope bridge between chandeliers, picking up the upgrade XP (68) while you cross. Conjure another cube for the right side and create another rope bridge between it and the right chandelier. Break the shelf with the vase on the other side for another upgrade XP (69) and flip the switch. This will remove the gas below. Fall down and break the boxes in the bottom left for a weak wall. Break that wall for three more upgrade XP (70-72). You'll have to shoot the wooden plank holding the shelf up to drop them.

Up ahead you'll see two portals. The right portal can be moved with Amadeus' levitate ability. Move it up so you can reflect the beam into it. Hold the beam here to open up the door above.

Now place the portal next to the two upgrade XP (73 & 74) in the upper right corner so you can grab it when jumping through. Move the portal down to the ground. You'll have to climb up the right wall to the top of this room and jump from up here down to the portal. This will give you enough momentum coming out of the left portal to reach the platform above. Activate the switch to open the door ahead and climb up to continue.

Checkpoint 11

You'll have to fight off 3 wolves, an archer, and a large archer for 10 skill XP (31-40). Break the vase on the table for an upgrade XP (75). You can move the painting on the wall in the upper left corner here to reveal a hidden room. Conjure a cube to climb up there. Break the vase at the beginning for 5 upgrade XP (76-80). Climb up the ledges to the left for 3 more upgrade XP (81-83) and a chandelier knicknack. You'll see a mirror cube up here here. Pull it down with Amadeus and stand on it. You can now get the two mirrored cubes in the lower right. Pull them both out. One should be on the ground below the right mirrored cube, reflecting to the cube you're standing on. Now levitate the other straight above you and angled to the right to hit the receiver in the top right corner. View the image below to see how the cubes should be organized.

Doing this will drop eight upgrade XP (84-91). Now head out of this secret room where you fought the last group of enemies and continue to the right. Jump the gap to the right and pick up the upgrade XP (92). This switch will activate every time it's pressed. With the pit open, drop down and grab one of the ledges on the left hole. Now levitate a block while hanging and place it on the switch to the upper right. Place a cube on the platform below and create a rope bridge to the right. Cross it for two more upgrade XP (93 & 94).

Checkpoint 12

You'll start this outdoor sequence with a fight with 3 wolves and 2 archers. Kill them for ten more skill XP (41-50). Swing on the hook ahead to the upgrade XP (95) on the leaf. Angle the spinning platform ahead to be completely horizontal. Now freeze it with an ice arrow. Use the wooden crate to reach the platform and levitate the crate onto the platform to reach the balcony above. Climb up for two more upgrade XP (96 & 97).

Checkpoint 13

Once inside, jump to the upgrade XP (98) and fall below. Break the crates down here for another upgrade XP (99). Place the portals in the upper right and upper left corners. You want the upper left portal to be aiming down and to the right with the upper right portal aiming down and to the left. Stand in the bottom right corner and reflect the beam with Pontius' shield to the upper left portal as shown in the image below.

With the path open ahead, climb the ledges to the right for the next room. Jump across the spots on this spinning platform to get the two upgrade XP (100 & 101). Stand on the right one for a second to lower it so you can reach the experience there. Quickly jump to the middle platform before you hit the gas. The platforms will spin around you. First, look in the bottom left corner in the gas. There's a well hidden switch in the gas. Shoot it with an arrow to open up a door to the right. Freeze the spinning platform so you can jump through the open door to the right. Break the vases in this room for eight total upgrade XP (102-109) and Toby's Collar, a treasure item. No head back to the spinning platform and get it moving again. Shoot an ice arrow when a platform is to your upper left as shown in the image below. Climb up the platforms for another upgrade XP (110). This is the final experience in the level which should give you the Sweeping Dream achievement.

Checkpoint 14

You'll see a new object ahead. There are two yellow gems and a red gem on it. Spin the object so the red gem is pointing to the right. Levitate it so the beams hit the yellow gems at the top and bottom and so the red gem shoots a beam to the receiver over the door.

Enter the room ahead for a witch who demands you help brew her potions. Move the left mirrored cube to the right of the right mirrored cube. Make sure the mirrored cube on the track is on the ground and pick up the stone with the red and yellow gems. Spin the stone so the red gem is pointing to the upper left and hold it where the beams cross to shoot the beam into the upper left portal. Hold it here until the witch changes the puzzle room.

In this next puzzle, move the upper mirrored cube on the track all the way to the right. It should be under the portal. Place the mirrored cube on the ground where the two beams are intersecting so it's angled to the upper left. This should reflect the beams into each other. Hold the object in the beam directly to the left of the cube on the track so the red gem is aiming to the right as shown in the image below. The witch will change the room yet again.

The mirrored cube on the horizontal track will have to be moved to the far right. Now move the mirrored cube on the vertical track as high as it can go. Conjure a cube and place it on the ground under the mirrored cube on the left track. Now move the free floating mirrored cube onto the conjured cube so it is reflecting to the upper right. Hold the object with the red gem facing up between the lower of the horizontal beams so it's shooting straight up into the portal as shown below.

This last one is really tricky. Place a conjured cube on the ground under the vertical track. Now move the mirrored cube as low as it can go, onto the conjured cube. Place the stone with the gems on the left track mirrored cube so the red gem is shooting the right. Now position the mirrored cube on the right track so it's reflecting the red beam upwards. This will activate both receivers. The last thing you need to do is take the mirrored cube you can levitate above the right track mirrored cube to reflect the red beam into the portal, as shown in the screenshot below. After completing this, you will get fifty skill XP (51-100).

Now head outside to the right for the end of this level, unlocking the A Castle in a Dream achievement.

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Trine was a Serra Angel who had been summoned by Archmage Xarl Angel-Keeper. Xarl placed a Horned Halo on Trine's head, binding her to him and making her a fallen angel. She killed thousands, if not millions of people through sacrificial means and/or through war.

Eskil, Xarl's great-great-grandson summoned the Serran Angel Rahel to fight Trine and free northern Corondor. When Trine's blood splashed him upon dying, he was blinded, his skin and hair were bleached white, and he ascended.

Trine reverted to a Serra Angel in death and was carried off to the heavens.

In-game reference[editedit source]

Represented in:

  • Fallen Angel (Legends)

Sources[editedit source]

Board game
Dominaria storyline
  • Early HarperPrism books (Greensleeves Trilogy)
  • The Domains
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