Strung Along By Narcissist

Ex Recycling of the narcissist. Psychopaths keep their exes strung along for added attention and triangulation. They use these people to appear in “high demand” at all times, creating competition and jealousy with their current partners. The best way to deal with breadcrumbing is to avoid becoming victim to it in the first place. 'If you met someone online who talks about getting together, yet when you suggest that you find a.

If you have some illusion that you can stay friends with the narcissist, you are sadly mistaken. It doesn’t matter if he has stayed in contact with his other ex’s, all that means is they are drinking the kool-aid and hanging on; thinking they will get him back. Same thing Sheila. I am a wreck.

He left, his clothes still at my house, but hes staying with his wife who I thought he was divorcing while with m, says he is on the couch and not with her. I thought would get marrid, he doesnt like my actions and left me. I work with him. Its been 4 months, we still dont tell anyone at work and h saays i look so good every other day and cant rsist me but doesnt come back and is angry bc i have said I wanted to speak with his wife to find out the truth. Idont know whow to not do contact or want him, seeing him every day, I beg, I cry, I feel sick, He says he tried and I didnt make him feel good, not like a man. He said he filed divorce last year but it turs out he never did.

He will not come back!! I think hes bck with his wofe but he swears he is not. He says if I act normal maybe he would hang out with me. I have just been finished with by a narcissist. I was with him for over 2.5 years and was engaged to him. He has regularly finished me and then pretended that he never meant that. He always tries to come back with stupid little texts, gifs etc.

This time he finished with me by text, heartless. I have wished him well and accepted it although my heart is breaking.He was regularly abusive, especially when drinking, could take no responsibility for any of his actions, criticised me about everything, put me second best, never took my needs into account, text other women, stared at other women while we were out.The thing is I am an intelligent, good looking woman. Crest foods. He is not good looking but has money, which he thinks makes him superior. I have a great personality, I am kind and loyal and I wanted a future with him. I thought I could change him. But you just cant, I realise that now. Why oh why do I feel so upset then?I know that when he fails to replace me he will try and come back, he always does, I have to be strong this time.

I invested heavily in him emotionally, I can see he never felt the same, although he said over and over how much he loved me. He is also obsessed about someone else having me, yet cant treat me well himself.I used to cry in front of him regularly. He never felt bad or responded, would just roll over and go to sleep and refuse to give me a cuddle. He would try blackmail me if I wanted affection by asking me to make him tea before he would make me feel loved again.Its so sad, I never knew people like this existed.Like. Sometimes I wonder if I am the narcissist. You see we were together for more than a year and during that time he would say if you would just dress like you are supposed to and not give googley eyes to people or talk to them I would be with you in a heartbeat he was married claimed he was getting a divorce and his marriage had been over long before he met me.

He told me that he would be with me soon that he wanted to marry me and all this in between times he would stop speaking to me because I wore something he didn’t like to work would it was inappropriate things like that. I was sexually harassed at my previous job and he said that it was all my fault because of the way I dressed, I wear scrubsalso said the way I carry myself around men was inappropriate and that played a role in what happened. Ultimately, I told him that he had to choose between me and his wife that if he was going to get a divorce he would’ve already done it and I was tired of being strung along so I threatened him knowing I would never tell her or anything but I told him I would if he didn’t. Well he claimed that he told her and it was over OVER between us. It’s been almost two months since he spoken to me, he blocked me from everything, even changed his phone number like I’m the crazy person. I have tried emailing him to apologize because I feel so bad about everything and I don’t want him or his wife to hurt.

I can’t believe that I got involved with him in the first place, I can’t believe I fell in love and believed everything he told me. Does this make me the narcissist?? I don’t know anymore. I am devastated.Like.

Georgia, first of all; a narcissist never doubts themselves or feels guilty. That doesn’t sound like you.Second, I agree with you that you never should have gotten involved with a married man to begin with. But what is done is done. Time to forgive yourself, vow to never compromise your values ever again and move on.Thirdly, STOP!! Stop trying to win his approval, stop all contact with him. Stop emailing, stop phoning, stop texting, just stop!Do your research on narcissist. Learn what you are dealing with then start working on yourself and setting boundaries, living true to your core self.You know how you want to dress, you know if you are flirting or whatever.

Live true to your values and walk away from anyone who doesn’t appreciate your true self.You can do it. Value yourself!Like. My blog is not technical, I am not a counselor or mental health professional in any way.

I am a survivor of domestic abuse by someone I consider to be a psychopath/narcissist. I had no idea what had happened to me, I have shared every step of my recovery and every bit of information I have found on narcissists and psychopaths; good and bad, in hopes it helps someone else.

I try to provide factual information and verify any information I share.Please do not use it as a substitute for professional help and if you are suicidal or fear for you safety please seek professional help.This blog is meant to raise awareness about an epidemic that will affect 1 in 3 women in their lifetime, globally. In North America at least one woman a day dies at the hands of her intimate partner. They don't have stats on how many children or other family members die because of domestic abuse. There is a recent increase in mass shooting in the US, with an alarming percentage of the shooters having recent reports of domestic violence.Domestic Homicide is one of the leading causes of female deaths beating out car accidents or attacks by strangers.55% of female murders are committed by their intimate partner compared to 5% of male murders. And only 16% of female murders were committed by a stranger.Personally, I had never been in an abusive relationship prior to my ex and I did not understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship, that is why I will continue to have this blog in an attempt to raise awareness and hopefully save lives.NamasteCarrieEmail and Skype Support. Almost daily I receive email or messages on one of my other social media from a victim of narcissistic abuse requesting to speak with me privately.As much as I would love to be independently wealthy and able to help everyone free of charge I just can not.I don't have any secrets that I only share privately, everything I know about narcissists I share here for free. But if you feel you need one on one consultation I can be reached at to make arrangements for personal, private support for a fee.Please email me to discuss rates and what your needs are.

I look forward to working with you on your journey back to the land of the living! There is life and light after the narcissist, I promise!!Talk to you soon.Carrie Copyright. Creative Commons LicenseLady Witha Truck by Carrie Reimer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© Carrie Reimer and Lady Witha Truck, 2011-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Carrie Reimer and Lady Witha Truck with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

I am Andrea, the author of In July of 2014, I experienced a horrific discard and spent a full year trying to hide my anxiety, fear, grief, anger and longing while working full-time and raising my son as a single mom. Unless you have experienced emotional abuse, it is very difficult to understand what targets (aka victims, survivors, thrivers) endure. After a year of franticly searching for ways to make the pain and obsession go away, I found exactly what I needed to heal. I started this site in October 2016 (which also happens to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month) to give others the opportunity to heal with the help of the same authors, experts, bloggers, thrivers that I have met along the way. These amazing people fashioned, shaped and guided my recovery.

May these same folks guide you too on your journey of emotional wellness.Blessings,Andrea. It’s time to write a few posts about my life. Are you wondering who I am? I have shared only a little of my story here on Narcissist Free. In a nutshell, I met my ex-husband when I was 29, I dated him for 3-4 years, and finally, we were married.

There were no reasons to marry other than he was the guy I was with, and I could not leave him. He was going to be the key to my happiness, the person who would launch me from an “Old Maid” to a wife. Marrying would bring closer to my dreams—a house, a car, children. Everything I’d ever wanted was so close I could put my arms around my future life. Looking back, I was blind to the dozens of hurdles we’d have to overcome. My ex-husband was addicted to cocaine and alcohol which led to two explosive situations where he brutally attacked me up in a coke fit, smashing my head into the ground so many times that my brain swelled with injuries and my arms were left with fingertip bruises. In another argument, he broke ribs.

His drug and alcohol addiction led to numerous infidelities, one in which cheated on me with my best friend. He was addicted to porn and sometimes that led to teen porn. Interestingly, most of the drama, physical abuse, and extreme addiction took place before we were married.

Perhaps this gives you a peek into the state of my emotional wellness. I was not a healthy woman when I met him, and I became even sicker by being around him.Today, two narcissistic breakups and 1 child later, I look back and can see that marriage was doomed. We gave it a shot, our best. He sobered up. I went to 12-step recovery for friends and family members. We got better, together.

And that was a miracle.I began to believe in us again, but the dream ended abruptly when he came home after a weekend retreat with his men’s group and told me he wasn’t in love with me and he never was. I was devastated. He took our little boy (2 at the time) to the park and I went to a friend’s house to cry and cry and cry. That was a Sunday. Tuesday he had an apartment.

Thursday he moved out. He never came home.What ensued was a 2 year waiting period, longing for him to return to me. I thought he just needed time. He told me he was thinking about it.Later I found out he was seeing someone. When that ended he came back to me for a day or two, and then, without rhyme or reason, backed off and became the cold harsh distant elusive man he had been for the two years prior. A few months later I believe he met his now wife. He became nice to me again but told me it was for sure over and he wanted a divorce.

He waited 2 more years to file, enough time to — what I believe — stash away a ton of money on the 20+ properties that were being foreclosed. There were too many lies to list here. We all know what they are. These lies were intended to keep me legally married to him while he lived with his soon-to-be wife so that he could continue to keep the money flowing into his side of the river, while I was sitting on the other side with a blindfold on. He denies all of this of course.Today, it’s 7 years later since he moved out.

I’m 7 years older and a bit wiser. I’ve been through quite a few trials the past 7 years. My son was 2 and still nursing 2x a day. I was in a grave amount of pain, raising a son, making our lives pleasant and lovely and adventurous, all the while nursing my broken heart.Two years after my ex-husband left and had fallen in love with another woman, I started dating again. This guy was everything my ex-husband wasn’t in terms of love.

I’ll save the details for another blog entry, but suffice to say, he was a psychopath. First class.Three years ago that psychopathic relationship ended. I haven’t dated since.Until now.I went online and met a few guys.

Each one is interesting in his own right. But each was a letdown. A big giant THUD. Total and huge disappointment.And then I met R. Oh my gosh, R was so different. I could not believe it. Delighted, I would chat with him, cautiously keeping myself held back from excitement.

He continued, slowly, to surprise me. He was not love bombing me (a term used to describe how narcissist’s bate their prey) and that was such a nice feeling.

We talked, shared. Nothing major. Just texting. Not even a phone call conversation.Lesson learned I must say. While I’m getting better at spotting the narcissists, I’m still making a lot of mistakes. My sweet R pulled back suddenly, abruptly. It was noticeable.

My feelers are not “out”, but my experience and comment sense tells me when something is not right. And all of the sudden, something was not right.And he left me hanging for a couple days. And he pulled back.

And it felt awful. Felt like shit. Felt like both of my ex’s. Unexplicable, yet dangerously familiar.And wouldn’t you know, here I am again with a bit of a silent treatment, only this time it’s not to punish. It’s because he’s confused and pursuing other avenues while maybe keeping me strung along just in case.And life feels like shit again.A beautiful day.And I feel like shit.And here I am again.Having to put aside or deal with these hurt feelings and put on my game face and deal with life when all I really want to do is pray to God that the clamp around my heart goes away and I get a bit of relief.Are there any good guys out there yet?

Are there?R told me, after I confided my insecurities to him, that I would not be having these if we met in person, that he would pull me in close.And I believed him.And less than 12 hours later he was interested in someone else.A guy I believed in. Honest.Not fair.

Not fair that I am tucked away my hopes and dreams only to have them drawn out into the open and then stepped on again. He called it “news”. He called breaking my heart “news”.“It’s difficult to give this news to someone I enjoyed talking with.”I’m just done with dating. I believe I have to resolve to be alone the rest of my life.

It’s been 3 years. No interest from the opposite sex. No interest on my part. The men I’ve met on have all been so nice, then we meet in person and I never hear from them again.

R was different. I developed a closeness with a man I’ve never met. And my heart is shattered. And yes, life feels like shit. Complete and total crap.

I’m so far away from everything I want. I have been in the trenches for 7 years, maybe longer. I’ve been without a man who truly loved me for a long long time. I’m feeling sorry for myself. I’m feeling not worthy.

I’m feeling like I’m not enough.Today is not a good day.