Steampunk Tower Walkthrough

Pocket tanks online. Posted: 22 AprilI played this glorious game since it was only a flashgame. The mobile game was kind of a disappointment with the pay2win aspects but this redeemed the series.

A Towerdefense game with a unique twist: instead of a path or what have you, you defend a the tower with enemies coming from the left and right. The execution of expanding the game from the flash is well made. There are no points where you have to excessively grind, have to perfectly complete levels or wait for hours and no microtrans. I find the upgrade mechanic well executed. You need to collect parts from missions to upgrade your turrets or tower and you get a decent amount from levels, preventing the game from being too grindy. The story is middle of the line nothing interesting but hey its a story.

@DreamGate how to get passed the Ireland Challenge because ive been at it for a hour and came nothing close to victory. Im mad right now.

Though i have to say the ending is quite disappointing and does not feel rewarding. Its not a bad ending and the story ending in an unsatisfying way its just eh something is missing here.


The gameplay is fine though, while may a little repetetive over time at least it still got challenge levels for the added challenge. The Boss fights do not feel like bullet sponge simulators, instead you are constantly challenged to move your turrets, deflecting special attacks and hitting their weakpoints. Overall a very nice classic game that i enjoyed playing every now and then.TL;DR: No Microtrans, grindy gameplay or extensive waiting. Unique gameplay but maybe a bit repetetive over time.

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Bosses are decently interesting. Has challenge levels for hardcore players. Story middle of the line with a rather unexpected ending.