Metroid Prime Rom

Speed run of Metroid Prime in 15 segments completed on June 24 2004. This is a redo of the last 4 parts of the completed 9 days before. The first 11 parts are therefore identical to the first 11 parts from that run.Author's comments:After I finished, I had been meaning to mess around with the second form of the last boss and see if I could find a way to beat him in 3 pools. I thought it was strange how you only had to use half of the fourth pool to finish him off, but this is the only thing I was basing my attempts on; I had no memory of him being at different amounts of health after the third pool, or anything that made me suspect there was a way to get more out of each pool. I decided to look for one regardless.I noticed pretty quickly that something was up when I would constantly enter and leave a pool while shooting. The only explanation for this is that you make the pool last longer by entering it just enough to get a free shot. This would make sense, as Radix says a pool will drain at a slower rate when you're not standing in it.


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Another thing I noticed is that this constant interrupting of his actions doesn't slow his countdown to the next pool. It seems you can even speed him up by shooting him out of a shockwave attempt. It cancels the attack, yet he acts as if he has just completed it (thanks to Radix for making the connection).As a result, you can get two pools to exist at the same time, by preserving the first one and interrupting all his shockwave attempts. I've seen no logical reason to want two pools at once, however, at least not one that is logical for speed. This is why I finish draining the pool when I think he's close to making the next one. Ideally, you'll do enough damage with the first two pools that you'll be able to drain the third as soon as it appears and still kill him, allowing you to save the full 44-46 seconds gotten from cutting out a pool, as well as any speed up time from his earlier phases.I'd need thermal in order to actually use this new strategy, so I had to redo part12 and up from my backup save on another card.

It might be possible to do this without thermal, but I'm not about to try. Even though it takes 9-10 seconds to get, I knew I could remove the cost by improving part12 and part13.The first form battle is still awful, the only reason I took it is because it would have to literally be perfect to get 1:03.

He refused to use his plasma form in Subchamber Four, but if you get lucky enough, it will be the only form he uses there, allowing for a fight that is over 40 seconds better. The other subchambers were close enough to the limit, but even they would have to be much better for 1:03. Trying to win the lottery four times in a row is awfully hard. It would be easier to just do a new run.

That leaves a chance of 1:02 without new finds, if one somehow managed the perfect first form battle, and improved on the rest of the run. The former is probably not possible, the latter is easy.

Pontinho rates this game: 5/5When I heard of this coming out, I though it was going to suck. How wrong I was. How wrongI was. Flipping from 2D to 3D was gonna make or break the metroid series, and for me, it broke my face right off!Besides moving to the third dimension, Nintendo also moved developers, giving to Retro the kit for Prime.

All the favorite things about the old school metroids was now at glorious 3D and looked pretty damm outstanding. Who thought moving from 2D to 3D would be so great?

Lfz rates this game: 5/5This game is one of the best out there for Gamecube, if not THE best. How the hell were they able to get the one iconic 2D platformer and turn it into an FPS in way that it works is beyond me, but the fact is they did it.You play as Samus Aran and you're once again alone in a desolated planet, Tallon IV, which by the way is pretty important in the Metroid lore. Yeah, of course there are space pirates there to keep you busy.As you push onwards you'll keep obtaning new abilities and will have to backtrack and access new areas until you ultimatelly face the final boss.The graphics use a huge deal of the gamecube potencial to create enormous rooms, forest, mines, etc filled with enemies. The music builds a really nice atmosphere making everything just perfect.This game will never let you down, so give him a try.

Killer1one1 rates this game: 5/5I remember back when I was maybe around 12, I picked up a copy of this game called 'Metroid Prime' at a discount price somewhere. I knew nothing of Metroid (I came from a PC only background) but it looked cool. So I boot up my trusty gamecube and load this guy. Fast forward 10 hours and I was still lost in wonder and amazement. The graphics were so good, the design was so good, and it was way too much for my little inexperienced console gamer head.

Today, I go back and replay this classic in the wake of my gamecube's loss. Most people wouldn't consider this retro; I do.

Brendoge rates this game: 5/5Metroid Prime isn't purely one of the most atmospheric games out there, but also one of the very best offerings to come out of any system. It's sheer length of challenges and depth is breathtaking. Expect intelligent puzzles, a real-world feeling to the singleplayer campaign and epic First Person Shooter gameplay unlike most games that come out of this medium.Samus Aran bounty hunter, after destroying the space pirates vessell, she lands on the planet below called Talon IV. It is here a race of alien bird-like beings called the chozo - the one's who raised Aran. This race made peace with the creatures of the planet and lived live to its potential, until it came - the leviathan - a giant meteor-like crater dispersing a poison - phazon all over the planet. The chozo could not stop its spread. Tallon IV became a nest for all things evil then.

That's all I'll give away for now. You have been recommended, it truly is one of the lengendary games of our time! Uikri rates this game: 5/5If you are a person who is looking for more than just mindless fun from your games, then look no further.

Retro Studios treated the Metroid series with the love and respect that it deserves, and gave us Metroid Prime. The games breaks away from the traditional Metroid formula in a way, in that it throws us into the viewpoint of Samus.

That's right this game is played in first person. However, don't let that dissuade you. Simply playing the game for a few minutes should be enough to tell you that it is by no means your everyday first-person shooter title. Nintendo themselves refused to call it such, instead opting for 'First-Person Action/Adventure'. Family barn games free online. Prepare for an adventure filled with beautiful environments, wonderful musical pieces, and rewarding gameplay. Make sure you go in open-minded, though.