Ending A Relationship

The 10 best ways to end a relationship 1. Do have the dreaded conversation. Don’t tailor the break-up so they leave you. Don’t just disappear. Don’t (ish) send a text. Do be honest. Don’t involve other people. Don’t suggest staying friends. Do be decisive. To peacefully end a toxic relationship, tell your partner that you feel and you want to feel happy instead. Researchers looked at adolescent relationships and depression and found that keeping silent about feelings was a cause of depression for many teens.

46 SharesHow can I end my relationship peacefully without causing hatred? Is a question asked by many individuals?Permit me to start this piece of writing with a quote from ― “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don’t really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren’t really an ending; some things are never-ending.”Having said that, when we talk about ending a relationship, it is important to note that it is not really an easy process to go through as.Although ending your relationship peacefully with your spouse or partner may be the most difficult thing to do, it is best to understand how to terminate the relationship appropriately if you feel you will be finishing the romance in the first place. Table of Contents.This article presents you with the most 17 Proven Ways To End A Relationship Peacefully. Ensure both of you are ready for it:For a relationship to end in an appropriate manner, both parties must be involved or else you will end up hurting the other.

So whether you are ready or not, you should also try to know if your spouse is ready at the moment.In essence, when your spouse or partner is not ready to end the relationship and you throw it to his/her face, this can be very devastating and in most cases will eat up the one that is hurt and might eventually cause them to do something drastic that you might regret all your life. Know the right time and moment:Most times, you just want to tell him/her about it at any time or any moment you feel it is right. It is a poor choice to want to talk about ending your relationship at a party, social gathering, in the car or doing some domestic task together such as grocery shopping or while having a nice dinner together.He/She will be caught off guard and will be shocked, causing the moment to be ruined. No matter when or how you break the news, it should be done at the right moment and at the right time.There is never going to be a, but try to have as much control over the time as you can, rather than blurting it out over brunch with friends. Do it in Person:Ending your relationship is usually a distressing period for both parties.

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Most persons would want to bring the romantic relationship to a close through phone calls, text messaging even using emails but this is totally wrong, although doing this means it’s not necessary to look at the expression on his/her face and if it is by text, you don’t even need to talk.However the case may be, this really is not a way to finish a romantic relationship peacefully. This approach defeats the whole essence of having an appropriate and dignified ending to your relationship peacefully. To do it right, you have to do it in person. Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash 4. Be honest and truthful:Being open and honest about the reason for ending the relationship is very important. The other party may cite many reasons why the relationship should continue and may even try talking you out of your decision.It is important, however, to remain honest about your feelings toward the other party as well as your reason for wanting to end the relationship. Always be sincere, regardless of the long-term outcome because you will be better able to be at peace with your decision.Related Articles.5.

Do not avoid before breaking up.Most lovers who want to end a relationship try to avoid their partner and distance themselves with silly excuses. Understand that your partner deserves to know what’s going on in your mind and has every right to know the truth about your feelings. You can express your views that you’re not happy in the relationship, but you should never ignore your partner’s calls or avoid them in person.At times, it may just be a phase or a misunderstanding that created all the differences. Before you seriously consider ending the relationship, give it some time to see if both of you can better your relationship and make it work first.

Stop the Blames and Accusations:Most times, breakups can be one-sided or mutual depending on the parties involved. Whether you are ending your relationship based on mutual agreement or on personal preference, there is no reason to throw blames or accusations at each other. Throwing in accusations usually brings in conflicts and also causes the break up not to end on a good note.Parties will end up leaving the relationship bitter and resentful toward each other despite the good experiences they may have had together. Each individual should instead come to terms with the fact that he/she is not perfect and contributed to the break-up in some way. Talk About it: “the conversation”. Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash 15.

Be ready to experience some negative feedback from him/her or their allies:It is natural to be angered during break up as it is a natural reaction to hurt. So at this point, you should be ready for some negative feedback and insults from the other party.

When you prepare for this, you are likely to handle the situation calmly.In summary, remember that breakups suck and hurting someone sucks also. But remember that these uncomfortable feelings and difficult experiences are all part of being human. So if you feel guilty, it’s a good thing and it means you have a conscience.

Walking out.At this point, you have probably patiently explained the reasons for the break up in a calm voice and both of you have decided to end the relationship peacefully.It is now time for you to walk out of the relationship without having any ill will towards each other. Although this comes with some waves of overwhelming relief yet a painful and sober realization that you’ve just broken up with someone you love.It’s normal to feel and have conflicting emotions, so don’t worry about it. Decide whether you want to stay as friends or whether you’d like to avoid each other for a while till the wounds are healed. But in either case, staying as friends would only bring more pain, so it is advised to give each other some space, at least for a few months. Final Goodbyes.Yes now you have broken up and you seem to have ended the relationship yet you still think you can have some moments, these are all tricky issues that pop up.Once you have broken up, it is best to say the goodbyes and let it be the end. Stop sprouting moments that might bring back some old memories. Hope this article and the tips were helpful to you, let us get your comment and reactions about it.

This article 17 Proven Ways To End A Relationship Peacefully is from my heart. I have ended relationships, and to be truthful, in some cases I did it the wrong way. Thanks a lot.Images courtesy of marcolm at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.